(ANSA) - Rome, July 7 - Six slices of watermelon and effect and 'the same as a Viagra pill. It seems that the watermelon has substances capable of awakening eros. Reminds Coldiretti with a study of Texas A & M University. The basic principle is' citrulline, an amino acid also found in red meat and the shell of the nuts, once the body is transformed into arginine. The action is not 'specific as Viagra, but it has the same effect as the blue pill, without side effects other than diuresis.
This news was published by ANSA, should reassure the constant use of the blue pill. Many times those who are having problems with premature ejaculation, apply also in a precarious economic situations, so get hold of the powerful "magic lotion" that would fulfill its duty of partners, meeting his beloved companion, it becomes almost impossible. But now, thanks to the discovery of the TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY, meet the other half, whenever she wanted, and then eliminate the danger betrayal, which is the basic factor in sexual dissatisfaction, you can with a few euro. In many Italian homes surely there will be a large supply of watermelons, but the biggest problem will arise at the end of the summer, coinciding with the difficulty to find the product on the market.
Whatever you do, dear friends, do not worry, do not be far-sighted, for now enjoy the summer, but most do enjoy your spouse, eating six, repeat six slices of watermelon a day. And when the summer ends? Surely this is the question that you're probably asking, but even here, scholars will find some good food alternative to Viagra.
Dear readers, it remains for me to greet you with a new proverb, as it was born after this exhilarating discovery. From now on, the said "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", the season of the watermelon will be replaced with " SIX SLICES OF WATERMELON DAY, LOVER TO RETURN TO AFFECT THE "