tour the police helicopter Hello everyone I'm back here to tell an experience that combines aspects of normal and ordinary life as the one linked to the life of all inhabitants of this planet and wait a little overtime connected wing flight experience even if on this occasion none of us took off.
Saturday with a group of people in the house Family S Augustine we went to the third department of the State Police who showed us their supply of aircraft, three helicopters used in this case all the public events of a certain interest in both sports recreational policies to maintain public order in the region of Emilia Romagna and in this city. Michele
one of the employees of the State Police said the helicopter is composed of three parts of a rotor used to stabilize the primary unit and avoid losing altitude when it comes on air.
Secondly there is also a secondary rotor which serves to stabilize the direction in which the device must be taken when in flight if I have not misunderstood this rotor is used to guide the direction of the path that the device will perform. We then
velino the third instance that serves to guide the direction of the wind if I have misinterpreted what Michael wanted to communicate
We then had the opportunity to see the takeoff of a unit to leave for a mission in Rimini.
Each of us then had the opportunity to climb inside and see inside the helicopter I placed in the back seat and so were able to observe the large number of commands that the pilot has at its disposal to control the device. Maurizio
had fun with his camera to take several photographs.
Before signing a contract with a quick snack we had a group photo.
I cordially thank all the staff of Police who has agreed to this morning with the possibility of looking at technology that helps the State Police in the performance of ordinary work of everyday life.
Marco Mignardi