must have been the motto that has driven a Polish lady to make alcohol without taking into consideration that this would damage the health of the baby she was carrying. Thus, at birth the little creature turned out to be already drunk! I hope this little child, because of this unfortunate event has not been previously reported by fate, as happened many years ago for a friend of mine (in that case was a famous photo with Alvaro Vitali). Instead of dreaming of playing football in big clubs like Milan, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bReal Madrid, this child, through its curriculum, not that the will go to join the Friends of PLAY & REPLAY, who of course greetings. Of course I wanted to be ironic, because the apprehension of the news in disbelief. HERE'S THE NEWS (Reuters):
WARSAW, 10 June - The mother was drunk at the time of birth: so 'a baby' born in Poland with 2.9 grams of alcohol per liter of blood. The sources said the police have stated that for now is the baby and the mother are doing well. The mother, Monica K. 38 year old was taken to a hospital in Otwock, near Warsaw, with 1.2 grams of alcohol per liter of blood. Now faces a sentence of up to 5 years in prison for exposing the infant to risks to life and health.
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