Despite my disability physics, from a young age I was brought up with strict, just and responsive to become involved in my life, even if it meant having to deal with, day after day, a society intolerant of anything that was not "apparently normal".
I never wanted a life that I contringesse to hide from others and to feel ashamed of myself. Although I was born were the years when there was no room for us disabled people in the world. Many were kept in the home or structure "appropriate", so to speak, for the good of ourselves. At that time it was a shame to speak of integration into society, there was neither the mentality and consequently resources for inclusion in any environment.
Fortunately since then, the mentality has changed enough, thanks to families combative and determined to put their children in our society. With great difficulty we are now able to let us create for ourselves a place in the world and our lives, without education, work, love, family, children and friends.
During my youth was not always easy to be part of some groups from many preconccetti. Only espperienza led me to choose people who went beyond appearances. I inparato that was enough to overcome the first moments of embarrassment, making people understand that could be my friend in a natural and simple, without us, both, in a forced situation.
Obviously, it is important to talk, said to each other how to overcome the difficulties that inevitably may arise.
efforts have been almost twenty years I have suffered from discrimination in the past, even today I can not accept certain looks "pathetic" or afraid. I find scovolgente see how there is more to do so. I do not want in any way renegotiated the many advances made in many years.
My way of being and curiosity for others I have always helped to establish new relationships, to frequent places where there was giving priority to the friendship, pleasure to get together for fun and to share their stories, dreams and expectations of our generation.
The path that I did led me to have a lot of personal satisfaction, I will continue to struggle to combat and overcome cultural barriers, which are far more dangerous than archittettonic.
Unfortunately, with the passing of years, I have difficulty in walking force me to have constantly need to be accompanied, in all my travels: my physical balance no longer allows me to move alone and to go wherever they want, when I want it.
Often, even those who take part in my daily life, inevitably is changed upon me, believing it to facilitate. For my part, I understand that those who know me always wants the easiest life possible and it is. But it is also true that sometimes, unwittingly, these people are ististivamente sostistuiscono to me for their peace of mind. Often prefer to ask myself what I need when I need.
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