Meeting of the Regional Committees AIAS Emilia Romania and Lombardy
Tuesday, May 11 was held in Bologna at ASL "Court Ronchi (, it should be noted that was the first time in decades-long presence of the AIAS sections in these territories, the representatives of these two realities of our society have found themselves with a meeting officer with the presence of the highest levels of management.
The first part of the day was dedicated to a guided tour of "Roncati Court," a point of excellence of our asl, where the AIAS Bologna has a crucial role, especially in the field of assistive technology and home adaptation Thanks to the professionalism of our technical experience with an experience that now turns thirty. Guests have shown much interest in many aspects of the structure and particularly on the apartment completely "domotizzato.
As in any important meeting, there was the time of a typical lunch at Osteria Via "of Pratello" based dishes our renowned cuisine, as always at the table can connect, or cultivate informal relationships that have helped make more fluid the meeting in the afternoon.
It showed from the outset that the two regions, although geographically close, they are far apart politically, because if the region Emilia Romagna is an approach primarily in the areas of social and health publications, in the Lombardy region is very strong but the private agreement. Very interesting was the exchange of Informations about the choices their local authorities on the participation of users and / or their families to pay the costs of services, it has turned into an extremely fragmented, in which not only but regional differences are found even each town, sometimes even the single district, they move differently.
It 's a fact that must reflect a lot in view of federal taxes that are taking the Organization of our state.
It 'clear that in the absence of general criteria capable of fixing minimum essential levels of services this would seriously undermine the principle of equality among citizens, yet formally guaranteed by our constitution. For example, the region of Lombardy has determined that as a criterion for access to services and contributions refer ISEE of the disabled person while in Emilia Romagna we seem to want to refer to that family. The meeting is ISEE is agreed that the reference staff should be one of the main goals of our future commitment.
That may surprise the proximity of settings with the Sicilian Lombard AIAS because there are clear differences in cultural, historical and socio-economic, but in light of INPOST private persons in the two regions may be explained by the dynamics of patronage that too often underlie the relationship between the public body and private special convention in the absence of good monitoring tools.
Peter Wolf
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