There are things that do not fit ...
be disabled or have a disabled person in the family is increasingly difficult in Italy and is no less in Bologna. For example happened recently that some disabled members have received communications from INPS intent on making checks against the holders of the economic benefits of civil disability. In September, the Social Security, not content to continue its campaign of unfair testing on "real mobility" call to visit the audit for the disability support people with disabilities also had very serious complies with the documentation previously requested.
This story long ago. Last July
FAND and FISH, the two associations that collect many associations for the disabled, were the stars of a successful mobilization to defend the rights of persons with disabilities. Now, after three months from the conversion of that decree, the Social Security issued the "Operational Guidelines for the civil disability" that doctors should abide by the INPS in the examination of new applications for disability benefits. These statements of fact reproduce - in administratively - attempts, hopefully averted, to restrict the criteria for granting an attendance allowance. The "Guidelines" by limiting the concept of autonomy involved in walking and the definition of acts of daily life, thus excluding many people from the recognition of pension rights.
same time, with internal memos, the INPS has reintroduced the check-ups even when the Commission ASL (within which there is still a doctor appointed by the INPS) has spoken with one voice on the grave disabilità.Oltre waste of public resources, this would create considerable hardship for many people with disabilities and their families.
This is a very serious because the INPS has acted after the government withdrew the amendments after the demonstration in the square Deputies, held in July.
The story is not over yet: The Carlino headlines in October: "Disabled adults, Ausl suspends taxi vouchers 'unacceptable' families remain at 233 feet. The decision due to the "redistribution of resources 'and' funding is not growing."
These are small numbers for the resources of the community (62 € a month for the Leisure and 124 to go to work), but for the majority of disabled people is a great aid to mobility, taking into account that it is difficult for them to use public transport.
The second major news about the increase in postal rates, which falls on associations like ours.
The Interministerial Decree of 30 March, published in the Official Gazette No. 75, March 31, in force since 1 April, has effectively removed one of the few could enjoy support in publishing the third sector and associations: the reduced postage rates. Following a major mobilization, which has seen the strong commitment of the Forum of the Third Sector, seemed to have been reached even a temporary solution, through a hedge of EUR 30 million provided by the "decree incentives" (DL40/2010, ratified by Law 73/2010), and postponed to a further inter-ministerial decree, which still has not become enforceable. Because of all this, the AIAS has been in the situation to reduce the delivery of the newsletter, we apologize to the loyal readers.
Carlo Ciccaglione
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