Even if today is February 15th and as usual, all singles in the world celebrate their "special day", I decided to talk about love too! Who does not like the Love? I have not found anyone who is not ... but surely someone will be ......
But since we are interested in the positive side of love that we can not remember what day it was yesterday, February 14th or Valentine's Day!
In this regard I have decided to take inspiration from a tag I saw on the blog of Dadda ( http://dadda-pezzettidime.blogspot.com/ ) where we have 5 pairs of movie list that made us excited.
I find it very nice idea and nice so why not share it!
Here are my 5 pairs:

tag could not be better!! My Valentine's Day was great as every year! My boyfriend took me out to dinner in a very very good and we dined divinely! And as you have spent your "day of love"??
If you want and let me know and I recommend you share this cute tag.
the next.
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